Wosheka Jefferson-Burriel
In addition to her full plate ofministry assignments, she is also the CEO of Anointed Melodies School of Music LLC, thevisionary of Dream Makers Foundation and the leader of Women of Purpose, Inc. Wosheka shallsoon her launch her indie label, Sound of Heaven Records, designed to release kingdom artists with a kingdom sound.
Hailing from Shreveport, Louisiana, Wosheka Jefferson was raised by her great-grandparents.From the time she was a toddler, she was taught the word of God and spent her days in the pewsof the church. It was in church where she honed her gift for music. She was hired as a churchmusician at the age of eleven and at the age of fourteen, after singing at her church, a visitingrevival pastor spoke to her and said, “You are anointed”. It was at that moment she realized Godhad chosen her for a special assignment.
Singing and songwriting took hold of her in her teensand she began to study her craft. Also blessed with extraordinary wisdom, she became an adultSunday school teacher at the age of 15, teaching adults twice her age. Teaching morphed intopreaching and before she knew it, she was standing in front of the sacred desk imparting theword of God. Ultimately, she began to embrace her prophetic gift, operating in the five-foldministry gift of the prophet, speaking into the lives of believers.
After marrying Antonio D. Burriel, Sr., Pastor Wosheka Jefferson-Burriel and her husband cofoundedExtreme Faith Ministries (known as Extreme Faith Worship Center) located inShreveport. Now Pastor Wosheka is an ordained Elder of the gospel, a recording artist, aspeaker, an accomplished musician (of the piano, organ and drums), and the author of threebooks. Her latest book, Healed On My Way, tells the story of her journey of healing andrestoration from a life of rejection, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, depression and much more.The powerful writing and testimonial takes the reader though the trials and triumphs of Wosheka’s life and allows them to grab hold of their own healing as well.
Musically, Woshekareleased her debut album Surrender in 2010, and her sophomore album, PSALMBook, is set torelease in July 2014. The first single from PSALMbook is “Praise Unusual”, a bouncy andinspirational cut and a Christian line dance song.An entrepreneur, Wosheka is the founder of Dream Makers Foundation, a foundation that seeksto make dreams come true through music for youth who are less fortunate and can't afford training in the arts; she's also the visionary of Women of Purpose, Inc. , a women’s ministrydedicated to the healing, restoration, and revival of females of all ages and backgrounds whichincludes two mentoring programs "Daddy's Little Girls & Daddy's Sweethearts" for girls ages4-17 and Daughters of Purpose, an extreme mentoring ministry for those desiring higheraccountability including tutoring, teaching, and training in all areas. She also founded AnointedMelodies School of Music, LLC, where piano, voice, drum, and guitar classes are taught daily,all aiming to advance an appreciation of the arts in the community and beyond.
Pastor Wosheka Jefferson-Burriel is the proud mother of four beautiful sons, Antonio Jr., Isaiah,Caleb and Micah and is honored to be the wife of Pastor Burriel. The couple will celebrate their11th year of marriage September 2014. Wosheka is dedicated to fulfilling every assignment onher life and won't stop until destiny is reached.
Pastor Wosheka says, "I do all for the glory of God. I want lives to be changed and souls to besaved, divinely delivered as Jesus is glorified through the ministry I am called to. To God be theGlory for the Great things he has done, is doing, and will do in my life and ministry."
Just one conversation with Wosheka Jefferson-Burriel and it’s clear that this woman of God has ahuge calling upon her life. Her words inspire, her books uplift and her songs minister.
Withextreme passion, Pastor and Prophetess Wosheka Jefferson-Burriel finds joy and fulfillment inwalking in her calling to heal and restore through her preaching and music ministry.
The cofounderof Extreme Faith Ministries and a Tate Music Gospel recording artist, known for hersong, “Praise Unusual”, Pastor Wosheka Burriel is on the move.