Coming from a very religious Islamic family, Faith was not taught about Christ and had to endured a lot in her life. All she knew was to worship Allah. It took the hand of God to deliver and save her life. She received Christ at age 12 and since then she has continued her journey in Christ.
Because of enduring a lot of tribulations at a young age and throughout her life, Faith has developed a keen ability to minister to young people, especially Muslims, letting them know that Jesus is the only way. She wants to share with everyone in the world and tell them what Jesus has done for her. Not what she has heard from someone else but what has happened in her own life.
Since releasing her first album, By Faith, in 2013, Faith has traveled around the United States ministering through music to different churches. Through the sharing of her testimony she has seen many lives changed and impacted towards truth. Faith’s passion is to spread the gospel and to make disciples through the talents and gifts that she was given by God.
Fay Destiny (Faith Destiny Haji) is a new Tanzanian gospel artist. She has a burden and passion to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to all people, especially to the poor. Her desire is to see captives set free from bondage through music and the Word of God (Luke 4:18).
Following the call of God she has ministered in different churches in Tanzania and America through music and sharing her testimony.